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Not Soon...   now  !  

In April 2022 the time had come...

I was fulfilling one of my dreams in life




Packed with a backpack I started my adventure.

My destination: The city of Arusha in northern Tanzania.

I wanted to help there - wherever I was needed!


My volunteering journey began  with the German - Tanzanian company STEP AFRICA. I was drawn to the people, the country and the culture from the first second. I was welcomed into the life here with open arms and it soon became clear to me:

Big things can be achieved here with little moves!


After a few weeks I met Annie, who also came to Arusha as a volunteer. I immediately found in her not only a friend, but also a like-minded individual:


We wanted to make a difference! 

As elementary school teachers, our first joint project was quickly decided without hesitation:

Armed with brushes and paints, we turned several classrooms and even entire schools into bright, colourful and child-friendly places of learning.


In the process we met Nancywho is the head of one of these schools.


from that day on, the dream team was complete!

We began supporting projects day by day.

We bought clothes for children, medicines for villages that live isolated from any civilization and food for those who don`t have enough of their own.


And now for the highlight:

We built our own school -


And that`s not all, together we also opened a day care center near the big market in Arusha. Because it is forbidden by law to have children present at the market, they must stay at home. This means that many are left without care on their own, because their mothers have no choice but to work to provide for them.

Mwanzo Daycare opened its doors in May 2022.

Here you get an insight into our work on site in Arusha

Die Sunshine School und die Mwanzo Daycare verschönern von nun an den Alltag vieler Kinder!

Und dann greift eines ins andere. Mit der Idee Patenschaften zu vergeben, können beide Projekte gut finanziert werden. Dank zahlreicher laufenden Patenschaften und anderen Spendengeldern können immer wieder Erneuerungen verwirklicht werden. Immer mehr Freiwillige unterstützen mich bei meiner Vereinsarbeit und kommen mit ins Boot. Dank dem engen Kontakt mit Nancy, die vor Ort alles im Griff hat, lässt sich auch von Österreich aus viel bewirken. Schon weitere 2 Mal durfte ich seither nach Afrika zurückkehren, um die Projekte zu besuchen, nach dem Rechten zu sehen und direkt vor Ort zu helfen. Auf meinen nächten Aufenthalt im Frühjahr 2024 freue ich mich jetzt schon! 

Welche Erneuerungen in letzter Zeit Dank eurer Spenden passiert sind und was sich Laufend tut kannst.du unter „unsere Projekte“ nachlesen. 

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